Bike tour through Tempelhof – Schöneberg

A bike tour through Tempelhof and Schöneberg starts at the town hall of Berlin-Schöneberg where Kennedy held his famous speech back in 1963.
Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

Foto: dpa

© Foto: dpa

Foto: Gruen Berlin | Christo Libuda

© Foto: Gruen Berlin | Christo Libuda

This bike our through Tempelhof and Schöneberg will bring you to many popular sights and places. It starts at Schöneberg town hall where US President Kennedy held his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech back in 1963. From there you follow Innsbrucker Straße up to the Bavarian Quarters. Here you can see the memorial Place of Remembrance, which consists of 80 double-sided signs with images and condensed version of anti-Jewish Nazi rules and regulations during the NS regime from 1933 – 1945.

The route goes on following Hauptstraße where David Bowie and Iggy Pop used to live in the 1970s. After that you’ll ride through Viktoriapark with its beautiful artificial waterfall. After that you will reach the areal of former Tempelhof airport. The site offers lots of space and is used for various sports such as biking, running, kiting, open air events and you’ll also see many families and groups having a BBQ over there or just chilling on the lawn.

The route continues at Platz der Luftbrücke from where you reach the memorial of the former SA prison at Papestraße. Last but not least the bike tour ends at the old gasometer which serves as a venue for events nowadays.

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Editors Rating

Sight-Seeing Factor

Green Berlin

Relaxing Factor

Track Surface



John-F.-Kennedy-Platz, 1, 10820, Berlin, Germany


