Bike tour through Treptow - Köpenick

The versatile South East bike tour through Treptow – Köpenick will lead you through Wuhlheide, the old town of Köpenick and to Müggelsee while offering lots of cultural highlights and green spots in between.
Foto: Top10 Berlin

© Foto: Top10 Berlin

Foto: Top10 Berlin

© Foto: Top10 Berlin

Foto: Top10 Berlin

© Foto: Top10 Berlin

Foto: Top10 Berlin

© Foto: Top10 Berlin

Foto: SpreeArche

© Foto: SpreeArche

The bike tour through Berlin’s South East is one of the longer routes and starts at Treptower Park. If you bring enough time you better pack some swimming equipment. Starting at the S-Bahn Station Treptower Park you will go along the pier. You have to pass Puschkinallee to get to the Soviet Memormial that remembers the fallen soldiers of the Red Army.

Another option is the bicycle route to Insel der Jugend – an island you reach via a bridge close to Zenner Biergarten in Treptower Park.

The tour follows up to Plänterwald, a very green forest area where you will cross the old Spreepark and a spot which was a pub back in the 19th century. You can take a solar boat on the river Spree that leads to the green Wuhlheide. If you take the tour with kids you could plan a longer stop at FEZ, which is a family center with lots of fun and educational activities. Another idea is having a try at the climbing park Wuhlheide.

From there it’s just a short distance to Köpenick with its famous town hall and the castle at the water front. The castle is surrounded by water and includes an arts and crafts museum. On free days classical concerts are taking place as well.

Next up the tour follows Müggelschlößchenweg at the waterfront which leads to Müggelsee. The swimming restaurant SpreeArche is a great opportunity to take a break and enjoy the atmosphere at the water. The nearby train station Friedrichshagen could be the end of the tour.

If you still got some power you can ride on and round the lake. From there you can relax at the historical place called Rübezahl or the old forest restaurant Müggelhort where you have an amazing view of the lake. After a short ride with Germany’s only oar ferry, you reach S-Bahn station Rahnsdorf and are able to go back to Berlin.

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Alt-Treptow, 6, 12435, Berlin, Germany


