Berlin's water playgrounds are made for splashing around, running wild and cooling down - of course above all for kids. Still, even parents can enjoy the water by either playing with their kids there or rest a little while watching their short ones having fun in the water. The team of Top10 Berlin has come up with a list of 10 water playgrounds with 100% of fun for you.
  • Spielbrunnen

    A large playground directly on Stuttgarter Platz invites the entire family to have fun there.

  • Plansche on Boxhagener Platz

    A large area for running, playing and cooling down is the splash pool on Boxhagener Platz.

  • Water Playground at Britzer Garten

    The water playground of Britzer Garten is a small landscaped area with rocks, a murmuring stream and flood gates.

  • Plansche Forckenbeckplatz

    The large, flat pool - directly on Friedrichshain's Forckenbeckplatz - really is a splashing paradise for children.

  • Playground Wrangelstraße

    When the playground on Wrangelstraße was in its planning stage, children were invited to contribute ideas on the finished design.

  • Plansche on Weißer See

    The paddling pool at Lake Weißer See in Pankow provides fun for the whole family on hot days.

  • Plansche Volkspark

    In the middle of the nice Volkspark Friedrichshain you will find a great splashing pool to have fun.

  • Water Playground Clara-Zetkin-Park

    In 1994 a stone-paved area was beautified with a large water playground.

  • Water Playground Marzahn-West: Sprühplansche

    A splashing area with a stream running through it, all got up by artists, is waiting for the kids to have fun there.

  • Water Playground Plansche Plänterwald

    The southern part of Treptower Park is home to the water playground "Plansche im Plänterwald".