Forest Museum with Forest School

The Berlin Forest Museum (Waldmuseum) with Forest School (Waldschule) is situated in the middle of the Grunewald Forest. It invites Berlin children to experience forest and nature with all their senses.
Foto: Waldmuseum | Gudrun Rademacher

© Foto: Waldmuseum | Gudrun Rademacher

Foto: Waldmuseum | Gudrun Rademacher

© Foto: Waldmuseum | Gudrun Rademacher

The Forest Museum belongs to the Forest School Grunewald and shows and explains to Berlin children the local ecosystem forest. The museum is located in Grunewald an can be easily reached via S-Bahn station Grunewald.

In the rooms of the museum, children have the opportunity to playfully approach the diversity of the forest. Native animals living in the forest are presented, bird nests are explained and various types of cones and woods are looked at.

Mysterious boxes of touch make you want to explore the forest and you can prove your gained insights in the smelling quiz or at identifying birds’ voices. Additionally there are animal preparations, diagrams and exhibits.

Next to the museum is the forest garden, where adventure and forest play stations can be discovered.

In the accompanying forest school, especially primary school classes and kindergarden groups can learn about the forest as a habitat for animals and plants. The forest school offers forest games, exciting programs and even night walks. Children do their research with binoculars, magnifying glasses and guide books.

The forest school and the forest museum are among the oldest green learning places in Berlin. Both are carried by the Protection Society of German Forests (Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald).

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Königsweg, 4, 14193, Berlin, Germany




Business Hours

Tuesday to Friday

10:00 am - 03:00 pm


Every first sunday each month. If this Sunday happens to be a public holiday as well, the forest school is closed. Instead opened the coming Sunday.

Important information

Entrance Tickets

Children 1 euro, adults 1,50 euro
