das edelweiss

The café das edelweiss on the Northern end of Görlitzer Park, close to the Wrangelstraße neighbourhood, gives you the opportunity to have a breakfast in the sun on their terrace.
Foto: Café Edelweiss

© Foto: Café Edelweiss

Das edelweiss unites terrace, restaurant, club and party garden. But above all you will find sunshine and a great breakfast at the edelweiss. Enjoy pancakes with fruit and maple syrup or a great piece of cake under open skies with the unique Görli-atmosphere. No shortage of space here, the terrace and building are surrounded by a flight of stairs enlarging the available space.

Street musicians from Wrangelstraße or the nearby park will provide summertime atmosphere. Even when it rains the edelweiss is well worth a trip, since the party garden is also on without sunshine. The restaurant’s decoration shows great love for detail. Their kitchen style is German with fresh, seasonal ingredients and a large variety of vegetarian dishes.

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Görlitzerstraße, 1 - 3, 10997, Berlin, Germany




Business Hours

Summer Season

Mon - Fri

from 09:30 am on

Winter Season


10:30 am - 06:00 pm

Wed, Tues, Fri

10:30 am - open end

Important information

Card Payment

For tabs of 20,00 euro and more



Terrace Seating

Around 200 places

Price Level

36er neighbourhood... 2 organic bread rolls, Gouda, Brie, cottage cheese, smoked ham, boiled ham 8,36 euro; chorizo, pickled herring, 1 organic egg, bread, jam, fruit.... and a small beer (Flensburger 0,3 l) or 0,1 l of prosecco or 0,1 l of fresh orange juice 8,36 euro; coffee: 1,80 euro, espresso: 1,80 euro, café au lait: 2,70 euro
