Ice cream parlour Angelina

The tiny ice cream parlor Angelina scores with excellent Italian ice and fine coffee in Berlin-Lübars.
Foto: dpa

© Foto: dpa

Foto: Eisdiele Angelina

© Foto: Eisdiele Angelina

Foto: Eisdiele Angelina

© Foto: Eisdiele Angelina

Foto: Eisdiele Angelina

© Foto: Eisdiele Angelina

The sweet little ice cream parlour Angelina in Alt-Lübars offers not only homemade ice cream, but also some seats inside the café. In summer, you can sit a little hidden on a small wooden terrace behind the parlour, where you can lick your ice cream far away from the street noise.

The ice cream parlour has existed in Alt-Lübars for about 20 years, but in good weather, queues outside the shop can also be found at this traditional ice cream parlor, as if it were one of hip ice locations in the city centre of Berlin. The reason is just the really good quality of the ice cream. Angelina took over the art of ice cream making from her father, who already brought this craft from Italy.

Mango flavour tastes and smells really like mango and chocolate is incredibly chocolaty. In summer, besides traditional flavours like chocolate and vanilla there are also new varieties served, such as a fruity sorbet with a light raspberry flavour.

The audience is mixed, mothers with children, a nice elderly lady from next door, school kids and girls with ponytails in riding boots, who after a riding lesson in one of the horse farms in Lübars quickly drop by on an ice cream. Angelina also serves delicious cakes and good coffee.

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Alt-Lübars, 36, 13469, Berlin, Germany


