Bonanza Coffee Heroes

The Bonanza Coffee Heroes serve coffee on a world-class level! To get there, Yumi Choi and Kiduk Reus spent one year travelling from London to Italy, New York and the rest of the world familiarizing themselves with the best varieties of coffee beans and above all how to roast and prepare them properly.

The result of this: sensory overload for your taste buds and a feast for the eyes! The combination of masterful latte art, a long roasting time between 20 – 30 minutes to make the roast easy on your stomach and using 14 grams of genuine Arabica coffee instead of the normal 7 grams per cup will make every coffee fan shiver with anticipation.

Not only can you enjoy Brazilian, Colombian or Ethiopian coffee right on the spot, you can even take them home. Top10 Berlin’s insider tip: the awesome coffee of the Heroes turns even celebrities like actress Jana Pallaske into early birds.

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Business Hours

Monday to Friday

08:30 am - 06:00 pm

Saturday and Sunday

10:00 am - 06:00 pm

Important information

What else can be ordered?

Coffee, cake (NY Cheesecake for example), brownies, croissants, fair trade cherry tea

Price Level

Café au lait for 2,80 euro, flat white for 2,40 euro, 250 gr of roasted coffee beans for 7,00 euro and up, cakes and brownies starting at 2,90 euro.

Card Payment

Cash payment only


Parking spaces to be found in the street