Genter Farmers' Market

Though the market has a history of than 80 years, the farmers' market on the intersection of Genter Straße/Ostender Straße is still widely regarded an insiders' tip.
Foto: dpa

© Foto: dpa

If you are going to Wedding’s Genter market, be prepared for an noisy affair since the puffers really tout their wares. “Two baskets – one euro, two baskets, one euro” screams one of them right into your ear at the top of his voice. And should you pick 4 baskets of whatever, you’ll be praised as loudly:”That’s the kind of customer I like!”. The energy present on this market is enormous, the variety of fruit and veggies sold mostly by Turkish stalls is equally impressive.

All market traders have their regular location here and they cannot complain about a lack of business. Mothers with kids, extended families and couples make their way through the market’s aisles and provision themselves for the week. The poultry vendor seems to know all his customers by name and sends regards to the husband at home. The hodgepodge trader in the heart of the market has snap-fasteners in all sizes, anything from wonder glue, yarn to tea balls and the button guy sells an incredible variety of buttons, zippers, ribbons and sequins. If you cant replace the zipper of your jacket on your own, you may leave the jacket with him and pick it up at his stall the following week with a new zipper.

For a vitamin boost during your shopping spree, you can get a glass of fresh orange juice for 1,00 euro or nibble on a corn on the cob.

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Genter Straße, 47, 13353, Berlin, Germany




Business Hours

Wednesday and Saturday

07:00 am - 04:00 pm
