Story of Berlin

Due to reconstruction work, the adventure museum "The Story of Berlin" is permantently closed.
Foto: The Story of Berlin | Monique Wüstenhagen

© Foto: The Story of Berlin | Monique Wüstenhagen

Foto: The Story of Berlin | Monique Wüstenhagen

© Foto: The Story of Berlin | Monique Wüstenhagen

Foto: The Story of Berlin | Monique Wüstenhagen

© Foto: The Story of Berlin | Monique Wüstenhagen

The adventure museum “The Story of Berlin” on the Kurfürstendamm in the City-West is an eye-opener not only for adults but above all for children and teenagers. From kindergarten children to adults, visitors can embark on an exciting walk through 800 years of Berlin history on 6,000 square meters.

The exhibition seeks emotional contact with its visitors. The artistic-dramaturgical staging in accessible scenes makes visitors feel themselves a part of the history of Berlin. The adventure museum is suitable for children of all ages.

Small children are looking for the little Berlin bear on their own. Larger children and young people are waiting for tricky puzzles about the history of Berlin. Special children’s activities are offered for children’s groups. The story guides go into the age and the child’s ability. The guides thus lead them in a playful way to the city’s history.

The history rally was developed especially for students of higher classes. This consists of a questionnaire, which pupils work during a tour. The history rally is offered in three levels and in eleven (!) languages. In this way pupils should be able to find an individual access to the history of Berlin.

The history rallies are often used by school classes as a school trip with learning experience. It is important that groups and school classes have to register, whether they are taking part in a guided tour or not.

“The Story of Berlin” shows the development of Berlin from the first mention of the city in 1237 to today in 23 themed rooms and makes it accessible to the visitors by means of modern computer and animation technology in combination with original expositions. The highlight of the exhibition visit is the guided tour of the original nuclear protection band, which is located under the Ku’damm.

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Kurfürstendamm , 207-208, 10719, Berlin, Germany




Business Hours


due to reconstruction work

Important information


available at cost
