Rhenisch roast goose in Gaffelhaus

Since the Gaffelhaus (home for exile Rhinelanders and Berlin Carnival stronghold) celebrates Carnival on November 11 the Rhenish Martinmas goose is served on November 13.

The St. Martin’s Day at Gaffelhaus 2017 is a mix of Brandenburg and Rhenish specialties. The goose with herbs comes from Brandenburg and is served with homemade red cabbage or rhenisch-style kale with homemade potato herb dumplings or boiled potatoes. The goose breast or leg is served with a fine Grand Marnier orange sauce or a savory gravy. Even a whole Martin’s Day goose for groups of 4 people or more can be pre-ordered.

Because of the carnival event on November 11 the Martin’s Day goose menu is only available on November 13. There are also geese dinner on other days until Christmas upon reservation!

The Gaffelhaus was opened at the Gendarmenmarkt in 2003 and can now be found in the Dorotheenstraße in Berlin-Mitte, between the television tower and the Reichstag, since 2011. The Gaffelhaus is a restaurant and brewery serving German cuisine with Rhenish influences. It is considered a second home for immigrants to Berlin from Cologne, Rhineland and all friends of a plain, traditional German cuisine.

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Business Hours

Monday to Sunday

Noon - Midnight

Important information

Price Level

Entire Martinmas Roast Goose for 4 hungry mouths 85,50 euro, goose breast or leg 19,50 euro. All geese come from an organic producer from Brandenburg.