History of the Berlin Wall

The central Berlin Wall Memorial on Bernauer Straße shows the permanent exhibition "1961 | 1989. The Berlin Wall".
Foto: Anette Wolff | Stiftung Berliner Mauer

© Foto: Anette Wolff | Stiftung Berliner Mauer

Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

The permament exhibition “1961 | 1989. The Berlin Wall” in the documentation centre of the Berlin Wall Memorial on Bernauer Straße is dedicated to the history of the Berlin Wall from the original division of the city until Germany’s reunification.

Central questions of the multimedia exhibition are: Why did they build the Wall? How come it existed for such a long time? why did the Wall collapse in 1989? The historic events that led to the end of the Wall are made palpable with numerious objects and exhibits, biographical documents and various media.

Since the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 2014, an enlarged outside area in the former border strip on Bernauer Straße has been added to the site. Additionall, you will find at the Berlin Wall Memorial also the Chapel of Reconciliation, with regular prayers to commemorate the victims of the Berlin Wall.

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Business Hours

April to October: Tuesday to Sunday

09:30 am - 07:00 pm

November - March: Tuesday to Sunday

09:30 am - 06:00 pm

Important information

Ticket Prices

