Schlachtensee - Southern Bank

Small, private coves with tall-standing oaks and acorns providing shade are a trademark of Schlachtensee.
Foto: Top10 Berlin

© Foto: Top10 Berlin

Most of the banks of the lake are fully grown with roots of trees, but there are a couple of sandy spots leading into the very clear water. A rather flat descent into the water with a fairly large resting area can be found close to the beer garden Fischerhütte. Since there is also a playground nearby, this is a spot used by lots of families with children.

More children can be expected on the northern bank of the lake, our main reason to recommend the southern bank due to it being calmer.

Good to know: Since summer season 2015 there are no more dogs allowed in and around Schlachtensee.

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Editors Rating

Easy to Reach

Water Quality

Swimming Factor

Paradise Factor



Am Schlachtensee , 1, 14129, Berlin, Germany




Business Hours



Important information

Recreation Area

Small, secluded coves (on hot days you have to do quite a tour around the lake to find a free one); the soil is a mixture of sand and clay with lots of roots; a bigger recreational green can be found near the S-Bahn station Schlachtensee; near Fischerhütte a bigger sandy area with a gentle descent into the water


Ok, there are a couple of trash cans but they are hardly enough for an entire weekend

Water Quality

Information on the current water quality in all of Berlin's lakes can be obtained from Lageso, the Office for Sanitary and Social Affairs under phone +49 30 90229 5555

Bank and Ground

The bank of the lake is a little higher, the soil has clay and little sticks and twigs

Swimming Factor

Good, due to the size of the lake the bathing crowd disperses quite well, on weekends you will however also find rowing boats on the lake

Bathing Crowd

Lots of groups of younger people, but also families with children, lovers, nudists and people who just like reading by the water

Sun/Shade Relation

You will have a hard time finding a sunny spot there


The Restaurant Fischerhütte is right on the lake, near the S-Bahn station is another restaurant and an Aldi's

Next Toilet

In the Restaurant Beer Garden Fischerhütte

How to get there

Schlachtensee may be Berlin's only lake with direct S-Bahn connection. Coming off the train you're nearly already in the water.


Difficult, special designated parking area for guests of the Fischerhütte
