Try Currywurst

It is believed that this “culinary delicatessen” was prepared for the first time in 1949 by Herta Heuwer in Berlin.

Herta Heuwer mixed Ketchup (or maybe Worcestershire sauce) that she got from British soldiers and served it on top of grilled pork sausages. And from this time, it became a very much loved street food, as it was cheap and feeling at the same time. One of the most known places is Curry 36 on Mehringdamm in Kreuzberg is the epitome of Berlin Currywurst. The legendary snack stall has been serving its customers for more than 30 years, always with the classic – currywurst with or without casing! Several stars and celebrities have eaten here and hosts of locals, night owls, tourists and curry aficionados, and that day and night. And of course you can get more than just currywurst here, fries red/white, bockwurst, a genuine Berlin Bulette and much more – of course with curry at Curry 36.

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09:00 am - 05:00 am