Nelly Karlson

Nelly Karlson is a gloriously pink painted second hand shop in Berlin-Friedenau catering for women and children.
Foto: dpa picture-alliance

© Foto: dpa picture-alliance

At Nelly Karlson everybody wants to be a child again and play with the wooden toy train and various bulldozers and lorries. But also the moms got things to do there. The “girls’ room” holds gorgeous bags and stunning dresses by Noa Noa, Cyrillus and Strenesse, waiting for a proud new owner. Add to that some home-made items like knitted caps, patchwork blankets and more self-made things.

The range of new looking second hand clothing for children looks much more like the clothing sold in a department store or a boutique than at a second hand. Well-known brands like the gorgeous hoodies by Finkid, clothing by Cakewalk, Mini Boden, Petit Bateau and Esprit hang on low clothesracks so that also small customers can quickly find their new favourite piece. The shoe department scores with nicely preserved brand shoes like Camper, Primigi, Naturino and Bisgaard.

The shop also carries cuddly things like sleeping bags, foot warmers and baby slings, just like they do with a trendy baby changing bag. Second hand shopping at Nelly Karlson is definitely fun!

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Isoldestraße, 5, 12159, Berlin, Germany




Business Hours

Tuesday to Friday

11:00 am - 06:00 pm


11:00 am - 02:00 pm

Important information


Clothes are taken into commission between Tuesday and Friday after prior arrangement.
